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About Android Application

  • An Android app is a software application running on the Android platform. Because the Android platform is built for mobile devices, a typical Android app is designed for a smartphone or a tablet PC running on the Android OS.

  • Why is Android app development important?
  • In fact, Android users are expected to increase because of the advance changes of operating system and the way it deals with issues and compatibility multiple devices. Moreover, developing Android app has become important thing for businesses. ... Android app ecosystem is diverse and its usage is changing people lives

  • benefit of mobile applications
  • Apps increase customer engagement Businesses are using apps to improve their processes and increase the level of accessibility their customers have to them. The point of a mobile app is to seamlessly connect and interact with customers, making it a valuable tool for the modern business.

  • Why do we need android?
  • There is a great amount of end users of the Android operating system in the world. Benefits of Android applications are like people can easily communicate and share data such as images, videos, and documents with one Android users to another android user
  • iOS App
  • You can convert your website to an Android & iOS application with just your URL.

  • Android App
  • We convert your website to an android mobile application and send you the app (.apk file) ready to launch.

  • Convertion to ios application
  • We convert your website to an iOS mobile application and send you the app ready to launch, so you can submit it to the App Store

  • How to convert a website to Android application. Apk
  • convert WordPress to Android apk

  • convert any domain name to Android app

  • convert blog spot to Android app

  • Convert blogger domain to Android app

  • Convert YouTube channel to Android apk.

  • These days the number of Android phones is almost higher than the number of humans on earth. And more is being design and produced every day. As a blogger designer or app producer, YouTuber it will be amazing to have you blog websites or YouTube or forum in Android app. This will not only make it to reach more people but to show people how serious you are.

    In this website (Hastenglobal) I have written an article on how to connect your website to Android app. There was a hitch on that article because not only that the API used is (API 23) which Google doesn't accept again in play store developer but also there are some features that have been updated here. In order to understand this post details you should read this unless you are familiar on converting android to app. You can still use that if you want circulate your android app but not on google playstore.

    While you might never have to build a multi-process app, it's possible to have an Android app with components running in different processes. You get several benefits like more memory, performance improvement (depends on implementation) and more by going multi-process.

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